Everything you should know before going vegan

Becoming a vegan is not just a food choice. It is a decision that changes your entire life. It is the realisation that you do not need meats, milk or any other animal-derived product to stay in the pink of health. Most importantly, it is that powerful force that brings you closer to mother earth.

Being a vegan is not just about quitting meats, but also cutting off honey, poultry, milk, and milk products from your diet. Veganism also excludes the usage of any clothing which uses animal-obtained fabric, including wool, silk, and leather. A reason why transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can seem overwhelming at first. Such a change is much easier to imagine than to implement in real life.

The solution for this is to take tiny steps towards the big goal. If you wake up one morning and decide to remove all animal-based foods from your diet, there will be chances that you will bounce back to your older self. Therefore, the best way to this transition is the one that you make for yourself, at your own pace. Instead of a drastic move, start by creating a well-structured strategy and make one change at a time as you progress in your journey towards veganism.

Start with expanding your knowledge

The first and most crucial step is to educate yourself about veganism, followed by identifying your own personal reason for becoming a vegan. Learn which plant-based diet will optimally nourish your body. Read about the various vegan alternatives that offer the same nutritional value, as well as learn to tell plant and animal-based foods apart. For example, your favourite ready-to-eat soup mix may contain milk solids, which is why you should take a few minutes extra to read the ingredients at the back before making the purchase.

Seek more knowledge by reading blogs and watching videos of avid vegans and what led them towards veganism. Search for vegan recipes online – you will be surprised to find so many options, from delicious snacks and desserts to satisfying main course dishes.   

Learn the benefits of veganism

It is a proven fact that adopting a plant-based diet demonstrates an array of health benefits to the body, lowering the risk factors for several lifestyle diseases such as type-2 diabetes, heart ailments, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers. Vegans usually have a lower body mass index as well as lower proportions of saturated fatty acids in their body.

With so many health benefits, veganism is truly a go-to choice, especially to counter the effects of the highly demanding lifestyle of today. Plant-based foods are packed with antioxidants that can help reduce stress and anxiety, keeping your mind calm and relaxed in your everyday life. People who follow a strict no-dairy, no-meat diet can easily get their proteins from tofu, grains, beans, nuts and tofu. The Indian diet, in particular, gives great emphasis to pulses and cereals which contribute a great lot to fulfilling the protein requirements of the body.

Find yourself mentor in vegan celebrities

Do you know the great Iron Man of India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was also a crusader of veganism? Or, one of the greatest crickets of today and the captain of Indian Cricket Team, Virat Kohli, has chosen to be a vegan? Oscar-winning actor Joaquin Phoenix is not only known for creating magic, but also for being a vegan since the age of three. Safe to say, a number of famous personalities across the world have replaced animal-based diets with a more ethical and humane lifestyle. Several Bollywood stars including Amir Khan, Kangana Ranaut, and Jacqueline Fernandez are devout vegans.

A simple internet search will give you a long list of celebrities you never knew have always been vegan. Take a step further and read about everything that inspired them to make this life choice. Seek wisdom from their story, as you embark on your journey towards pure, plant-based living.

Remember, becoming vegan is not a short cut to becoming “healthy”. A vegan doughnut or a cake is still an unhealthy snack and moderation is necessary. Moreover, eating plant-based meals does not mean ditching your gym routine. Rather, keeping yourself active with regular workouts will only enhance the impact of a vegan diet. Lastly, a simple change in the mindset goes a long way. Instead of thinking about all the food you will give up, consider the array of new and delicious food options you will try as a vegan. Think about breaking away from the monotony of everyday foods and reinventing your own personalised meals using vegan ingredients. You will be surprised to know that many of your favourite Indian and international foods are either completely plant-based or can be easily veganised. Remember, the change you are making is a noble one, for yourself and our planet. Make the most of it!


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